The Hidden Gold: Mining for Flavor with Taco Bombs

Unveiling Explosive Facts About Tacos and their Food Trend Domination.

Delve into the surprising history of how miners unintentionally created a food sensation.

kawaii cute comics taco illustration

You must have looked at this taco and thought,

"Why is dynamite sticking out of their stuffing?"

So once upon a time, in the mystical silver mines of 18th-century Mexico, a culinary revolution was unknowingly set in motion.

But wait, hold your tortillas!

What does mining have to do with the mouthwatering tacos we know and love today?

Prepare to have your taste buds tantalized, and your curiosity ignited as we delve into the explosive history of tacos and their unexpected connection to dynamite.

Confusing, right? So let's go to the 18th-century silver mines in Mexico, where miners toiled away in pursuit of precious metals.

But amid the clinking of pickaxes and the rumble of mining carts, there was something peculiar: tacos - the small pieces of paper used to wrap gunpowder.

Yes, you read that right—tacos were initially just wrappers for explosive materials!

Miners inserted those tacos into rock holes for blasting and subsequent mining of silver ore.

To this day, the world doesn't know who, how, and when decided to follow the silver miners and wrap food in a tortilla, but the first edible tacos known to the world were called "tacos de minero," which means "miner's tacos."

Going back to our days, we can buy hot and yummy-filled tortillas on almost every corner. From the bustling streets of Mexico City to the vibrant taquerĂ­as of Los Angeles, we meet the diverse flavors and regional variations that make tacos irresistible.

Taco has come a long way, from street food for people experiencing poverty to fancy fusion restaurants. From traditional favorites like al pastor and carnitas to innovative combinations that push the boundaries of flavor.

Yet, we bite off them, squint our eyes, and think, "This is the bomb!"

So, now you know that the ancestor of the taco was indeed the bomb.

Cute cartoon lemon looking up to the text "likes, comments, and shares motivate the author for new drawings and stories."

Hey there! Are you a fan of Silly Butts Food Fun Facts like me?

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I always feel more inspired to come up with fun and silly food facts after having a good amount of caffeine! Cheers!

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If you missed the last episodes of the Silly Butts Food Fun Facts series, don't worry, I won't spoil it for you.

But, between us, you should read them all!


Hiya, my name is Twocatsandpossum. I'm a New Orleans-based artist passionate about food, smiles, and creating stories about it all. You also could know me as a Silly Butts creator and author of The First Silly Butts Coloring Book. I've been working from home as an artist for the past four years, and it's been a great experience.

Mushrooms are the new cockroaches.


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