Twocatsandpossum New Orleans cartoon artist

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How to Use Pinterest to Promote and Sell Your Art in 2023

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Suppose you're passionate about art and looking to showcase your work to a broader audience.

In that case, you may have already realized social media platforms' potential.

So, we won't stop here and will jump straight to Pinterest.

Pinterest is an excellent platform for artists to promote and sell their artwork.

This platform has over 400 million active users, which provides a vast audience of potential buyers and can help turn your art into a successful business. Let's see how.

Mastering Pinterest - a comprehensive guide for artists to promote and sell artworks in 2023.

In this guide, we will discuss practical ways to use Pinterest in 2023 to promote and sell your art.

These strategies will help visual artists gain a loyal following that buys their work. Let’s go!

I've been exploring Pinterest for the past six months as Instagram engagement has declined. I was searching for an additional platform to showcase my artwork.

However, running a one-person art business kept me occupied. I needed more time and energy to develop a consistent Pinterest strategy.

I reactivated my Pinterest account five months ago to help promote my growing art blog and its articles. It quickly became apparent that I couldn't do without it.

Since then, I have gained 1.2K followers and received 354.3K views per month, all from scratch. While these numbers aren't the biggest, they have helped increase my artwork sales and bring readers to my blog.

Here is my Pinterest profile :)

So, let's break down my steps to achieve these metrics.

What is Pinterest, and why is it important for artists?

Pinterest is more than just another social media platform.

It's an extraordinary search engine that captivates users with its stunning visuals and boasts an impressive 430 million monthly users.

Artists can showcase their work, engage with a global audience, and receive widespread recognition on this platform.

It's an incredible way to connect with art enthusiasts and potential buyers.

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The benefits of using Pinterest as an artist 

  • Increased visibility and exposure for your artwork

  • The opportunity to connect with a global audience of art enthusiasts

  • A platform to share your creative process and engage with followers

  • Inspiration and ideas for future projects and techniques

  • The ability to drive traffic to your website or online shop

  • Collaboration opportunities with other artists and brands


Now we will walk through the steps to unlock all these Pinterest benefits and help you reach your artistic goals.

Step number one: Set up a business account

Why do you need a business account?

Creating a business account is important if you want to fully utilize Pinterest for marketing purposes. 

The business account offers analytics and valuable features to help you improve your Pinterest approach.

Additionally, it showcases your professionalism and credibility to potential customers and partners. 

Here are the steps on how to create a Pinterest business account:

  • Head over to and click Sign in.

  • If you don't have a personal Pinterest account, click Create a free account.

  • Once logged in, click on your profile picture in the top right corner of the screen.

  • Click Settings (the gear icon) in the top right corner of the screen.

  • Click Create a Business account.

  • Follow the instructions to create your business account.

Here are some things to keep in mind when creating your Pinterest business account:

  • You'll need to provide your business name, website, Etsy shop, online portfolio address, and email address.

  • You'll also need to choose a business category.

  • You can choose to create a linked business account or a new business account.

    A linked business account is connected to your personal Pinterest account. 

    A new business account is a separate account from your personal account.

Once you've created your business account, you'll be able to access some sweet features, like:

  • Pinterest analytics: This will help you track the performance of your Pins and boards.

  • Promoted Pins: This will allow you to pay to promote your Pins to a wider audience.

  • Business tools: This will give you access to tools to help you manage your business account, like creating and managing boards, adding collaborators, and scheduling Pins.

Now that your Pinterest business account is registered, it's time to optimize your profile and reach new heights of success.

Let's get the most out of this visual heaven platform, expand your audience, and boost your art sales.

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Step number two: Create a compelling profile

Your Pinterest profile serves as your virtual gallery and should reflect your artistic style and personality. 

Here are some tips for creating your artist’s profile on Pinterest:

  • Choose a captivating profile picture that represents your brand or artwork. 

    I always use my portrait picture because it shows my cheerful character and builds trust. It's always good to see real people behind any business.

    It also makes it easier for people to find and recognize me. 

  • Craft a clear and descriptive bio highlighting your identity as an artist and the type of art you create.

  • Include a link to your website or online shop to drive traffic and encourage sales. Put the correct links everywhere. Call people to action.

    Believe me, they will only consider purchasing once you inform them.

  • Optimize your profile with relevant keywords to improve search visibility.

    This can help you stand out among other professionals and attract more potential clients or employers.

    For example, I intend to make myself discoverable to individuals interested in adorable cartoon illustrations and coloring books.

Start searching for cartoon art on Pinterest and you will see my profile right in the search results.

Step number three: Enable Rich Pins to grow engagement (while not necessary, this feature is handy)

Enabling Rich Pins can make your Pins more engaging and informative for users by providing additional context and information like title, price, description, link to your Pinterest profile, etc.

Doing this will improve the user experience and increase the likelihood of sharing and saving your Pins.

Also, when you use the Pin button on your website to save something, there's no need to input a title, description, or link. Select the board on which you want to save it, and you're done!

There are different types of Rich Pins, such as articles, products, recipes, and app pins. As artists, we are interested in products and article Rich Pins.

To enable Rich Pins, follow these steps:

  • Verify your website, Etsy shop, or online portfolio with Pinterest.

  • Add the necessary metadata to your website or Etsy shop.

  • Apply for Rich Pins through Pinterest's developer portal.

  • Test your Rich Pins to ensure they are displaying correctly.

Once you have enabled Rich Pins, your artwork will stand out on Pinterest and provide users with valuable information directly within the Pin.

In search results, Rich Pins show your Pin title, profile picture, and name. This is advantageous because people can recognize you and your artwork when they come across it online. It creates a sense of attachment and helps them understand that your account is authentic. This way, they are more likely to buy from you.

Hurrah! We are halfway through optimizing our Pinterest profile.

It's time to create captivating boards by selecting the right themes for them.

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Step number four: Create Boards That Captivate

When you create boards on Pinterest, selecting themes that match your artwork and attract your intended audience is crucial.

Consider various components of your artistic process, like mediums, styles, techniques, and inspirations. 

Here are some board ideas to help you begin:

  • "Abstract Art Inspiration"

  • "Watercolor Techniques For Beginners"

  • "Mixed Media Art or Art Projects or Techniques"

  • "Art Studio at Home: Organization, Inspiration or Small Spaces"

  • "Simple Doodles Step by Step"

You got the idea, so let's get further.

Optimize board titles and descriptions

To attract users, it is important to give them a sneak peek into what they can expect from each board.

Use captivating language and provide informative and engaging descriptions that highlight the unique aspects of your board.

This will encourage users to explore further and take an interest in your content.

Here are some useful tips that can help enhance the visibility of your Pinterest boards:

  • Optimize the titles and descriptions with relevant keywords.

  • Think about the terms your target audience might search for when looking for art inspiration or specific techniques.

  • Incorporate these keywords naturally into your board titles and descriptions to improve search rankings.

Collaborate with other artists on group boards

Expanding your reach and introducing your work to new audiences can be achieved by collaborating with other artists on group boards.

To find potential collaborators, seek out established artists within your niche or those with complementary artistic styles and initiate contact with them.

Collaborating allows you to share your expertise, gain exposure through their followers, and foster a supportive community of artists.

To collaborate on a group board, follow these steps:

  • Find an existing group board within your niche or create a new one.

  • Contact the board owner or other collaborators to express your interest in joining.

  • Follow any guidelines or rules set by the group board.

  • Contribute high-quality pins regularly and engage with other collaborators' content.

And, finally, it's time for Pins!

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Step number five: The art of visual storytelling.

My favorite part.

Don’t forget to keep in mind that Pinterest is primarily a visual platform. Therefore, the creation of visually captivating Pins is of utmost importance.

Your Pins must showcase your distinct artistic flair and comprise top-notch images to ensure that they stand out amongst the crowd.

Here are some helpful tips for designing your Pins:

  • Use high-resolution images that showcase your artwork in its best light. 

    Your images should be at least 750x750 pixels in size.

    The ideal Pin size that Pinterest requires in 2023 is 1000x1500 pixels

  • Use clear and concise text. Your text should be easy to read and understand.

  • Experiment with different layouts, colors, and compositions to create visually striking Pins.

    Keep the overall design clean and uncluttered to let your artwork shine.

    In my experience, high-contrast images work best, such as black background - white font. I exaggerate, but you got me. Let's go further.  

  • Find your voice. Maintaining a consistent style for your Pins is important, incorporating branding elements like your logo or signature style.

    This helps people easily recognize your work and creates a strong brand identity. Additionally, keeping a constant tone throughout your pins is essential for building a robust online presence.

  • Storytelling Through Pins. Share the story behind each artwork through your Pins. This personal touch can help establish a deeper connection with your audience.

One more time, Pinterest is a highly visual platform, and Pins that are eye-catching are more likely to capture users' attention and drive sales.

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Step number six: Write engaging descriptions that ignite interest.

To ensure your Pins are top-notch, you should not only create visually appealing images but also write captivating descriptions and incorporate appropriate keywords. 

When people search for art on Pinterest, they will use keywords to find what they're looking for.

The Pin description is your best opportunity to provide context and entice users to click through to your website or online shop. 

Here are some helpful tips on an excellent Pin description:

  • Craft compelling narratives that highlight the unique aspects of your artwork and pique users' curiosity.

  •  Incorporate relevant keywords naturally into the description to improve search visibility.

  • Include a call-to-action in your pin description, encouraging users to take further action, such as visiting your website or purchasing. 

  • Use robust and action-oriented language to motivate users to engage with your Pins.

Here is a screenshot of my Pinterest board titled "Silly Art Style" with relevant keywords included in the description.

Here are some tips for using relevant keywords:

  • Do your research. Before you start pinning, take some time to research the keywords that people are using to search for art on Pinterest.

    You can use a tool like Pinterest Keyword Planner or Pindodo Chrome extension to help you with this.

    Pinterest itself is also beneficial in determining what is popular and what words people use to find your art form.

    Open the Pinterest search bar on your computer since the mobile app has limited features for this purpose.

  • Use a variety of keywords. Don't just use the same keywords over and over again. Use a variety of keywords so that your pins will appear in various searches.

  • Use long-tail keywords. Long-tail keywords (containing more than four words) are more specific than short-tail keywords (containing one to three words). This means they are less competitive and will reach a smaller, more targeted audience. 

Open the Pinterest search bar on your computer and see what words people use to search for your art niche


Based on data from Pinterest, hashtags are no longer effective on this platform.

As a result, I do not use them.

However, if you still believe in their usefulness, feel free to use them.

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Step number seven: The Power of Consistency

The more you pin, the more likely you are to be seen by people.

Aim to pin at least 5–10 times per day. 

I can understand what you are thinking right now, but pining 5–10 times daily is not tricky. Let’s see how you can do it.

Here are some tips for pinning consistently:

  • Set a schedule. Decide when you're going to pin and stick to that schedule. 

  • Use a pin scheduler. Numerous Pin schedulers can assist you with automating your pinning process. It's common to come across recommendations for using the Tailwind scheduler.

    Still, it's essential to recognize that many of these recommendations may be motivated by a desire to earn an affiliate commission from your subscription fee.

    I used multiple Pinterest schedulers, including the paid subscription to Tailwind.

    However, I have found that the standard Pinterest Scheduler is the most efficient option. 

    To use it, all you need is a business account. Yes, it’s part of the platform, and it’s free.

    This scheduler allows you to add titles and descriptions optimized with relevant keywords and includes additional details such as supplies and notes.

    The best part is that only this scheduler enables you to add tagged topics to your Pins. 

    You can schedule Pins up to 30 days in advance on Android and iOS and up to 14 days on desktop, all in your current time zone.

    You can only schedule one Pin at a time and up to 100 Pins for the future.

    Once your Pins are scheduled, you can change still your mind and publish the Pin immediately or delete it.

    To access your scheduled Pins, go to your profile and click the Created tab.

    It may take a few minutes for scheduled Pins to appear. You may need to refresh the feed before you see your scheduled Pins.

  • Pin other people's art. This is a great way to get your art in front of new people.

    When you pin other people's art, they will see your Pins in their feed and may even follow you back. 

This is what Pinterest Scheduler looks like. You can add up to 10 tagged topics to each Pin.

Step number eight: Learn Pinterest SEO - Your Art's Best Friend

Using relevant keywords in your boards, Pins, and descriptions is essential to improving your visibility on Pinterest.

This tactic will increase the likelihood of your content appearing in users' search results. 

To find the best keywords for your artwork, follow these steps:

  • Research popular search terms related to your artistic style, techniques, and subject matter.

  • Utilize Pinterest's search bar and related search suggestions to discover trending keywords.

  • Analyze the keywords successful artists use within your niche and adapt them to your strategy.

  • Experiment with different keywords and monitor their performance using Pinterest analytics.

  • Use Pinterest Trends.

To ensure users searching for particular themes and styles quickly find your artwork, it's important to constantly refine and improve your keyword strategy.

Optimize your boards and pins for search.

To improve the search visibility of your boards and Pins, incorporate your chosen keywords strategically. 

Here are some key areas to focus on:

  • Board titles: Include relevant keywords that accurately describe the content of your board.

  • Board descriptions: Craft engaging descriptions that incorporate keywords naturally.

  • Pin titles: Use descriptive titles that include relevant keywords to provide context.

  • Pin descriptions: Write informative and compelling descriptions that contain keywords and encourage engagement.

  • Image alt text: Add descriptive alt text to your pin images to improve accessibility and searchability.

Remember to balance optimizing for search and providing valuable and engaging content for your audience.

Open Pinterest Search Bar on your computer and utilize everything it gives you.

Utilize alt text and image optimization techniques

Alt text, also known as alternative text, is a brief description of an image that helps visually impaired users and search engines understand the content.

By adding alt text to your pin images, you can enhance the accessibility and searchability of your content.

Some tips for optimizing your alt text:

  • Describe the image accurately and concisely, incorporating relevant keywords when appropriate.

  • Avoid keyword stuffing or generic alt text like "image" or "artwork."

  • Focus on providing a meaningful description that enhances the visually impaired user's experience.

In addition to alt text, ensure your Pin images are correctly optimized for Pinterest's visual search engine.

Use high-resolution images with clear and striking visuals, as these are more likely to capture users' attention and drive engagement.

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Step number nine: Promote your Pins

Engage with the Pinterest community.

Pinterest is more than just a self-promotion platform. It's also a lively community of art enthusiasts, fellow artists, and potential buyers.

By engaging, engaging, and engaging one more time, you can build a supportive network and increase the visibility of your artwork.

Here are some ways to engage with the Pinterest community:

  • Like, comment, and save others' pins that resonate with you.

  • Follow other artists, art-related boards, and influential figures in the art world.

  • Participate in group board collaborations and share valuable content from other artists.

  • Respond to comments and messages from your followers, fostering a sense of connection and appreciation.

Share valuable content from other artists.

While showcasing your artwork is important, curating and sharing content from other artists within your niche is equally valuable. 

By sharing helpful and inspiring content from other artists, you establish yourself as a trusted source of artistic inspiration and build connections within the art community.

And some secret cherries on your cake top: when you follow other artists, their followers will see your Pins in their feed. So, do it with artists who are: similar to you, have a large following, and are active on Pinterest. Bingo!

Some tips for sharing content from other artists:

  • Credit the original artist by linking to their website or social media profiles.

  • Add your insights or commentary to provide context and showcase your expertise.

  • Collaborate with other artists on joint boards or themed collaborations to create a sense of community.

Collaborate with influencers and brands.

To expand your reach and gain exposure to a wider audience, collaborating with influencers and brands can be effective.

Look for influencers or brands that align with your artistic niche, creative style, and values.

By partnering with them, you can tap into their established audience and benefit from their promotional efforts.

Branding content is now available for monetization through Pinterest.

Some tips:

  • Research potential collaborators and identify those with a similar target audience.

  • Craft a personalized and compelling pitch outlining the mutual benefits of collaboration.

  • Offer unique and creative ideas for collaboration, such as joint campaigns or featured artist spotlights.

  • Negotiate terms and expectations, such as compensation or cross-promotion.

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Step number ten: Turn your Pins into Profits

Include a call-to-action (CTA) in your Pins.

Including a call-to-action (CTA) in your pin descriptions or images can significantly boost traffic to your online shop or website.

By creating clear and engaging CTAs in your Pins, you can motivate users to take specific actions, such as visiting your website, making a purchase, or subscribing to your newsletter.

Here are some CTA examples:

  • "Explore more of my artwork on my website!"

  • "Shop now to bring my art into your home."

  • "Join my mailing list for exclusive updates and offers."

Use contrasting colors, bold fonts, and compelling visuals to capture users' attention and motivate them to click through your Pins.

Also, according to my research, all kinds of art freebies (free coloring pages, printables, e-books, Canva templates, etc.) work great on Pinterest, allowing you to build your mailing list fast and sell more art to this already warm audience.

Integrate Pinterest with your website

If they love your art, then let them share it!

Integrating Pinterest into your website connects your online presence and your artwork, enhancing the overall user experience and encouraging engagement.

Some integration methods:

  • Add Pinterest sharing buttons to your website, allowing visitors to save and share your artwork easily.

  • Embed your Pinterest boards or individual pins directly onto your website or blog pages.

  • Utilize Pinterest widgets, such as the profile or board widget, to display your latest pins.

On my website, I have integrated Pinterest sharing buttons for images and ShareThis social media sharing buttons for articles and products.

These buttons enable my visitors to effortlessly share the artwork, articles, or products they appreciate.

Include your Links in every Pin Image and Description

Sometimes, I browse Pinterest to find artists for articles on the best artist's books, top artworks, or interviews.

I also like to purchase pins for my backpack, laptop stickers, greeting cards, or new funny t-shirts.

However, I often encounter pins without links to websites or stores or any means of contacting the artist.

In these cases, I usually move on to another option.

With so many great artists in the crowded art market, sales are often spontaneous, and you only have a few seconds to convert a viewer into a buyer.

If you don't include a link to your Pin, they buy from another artist.

Create Idea Pins

In 2023, Pinterest announced the merger of Idea Pins and Basic Static Pins and shifted its focus toward video content.

It's no surprise that videos and non-static pins have become the center of attention on Pinterest.

The platform quickly evolves from a virtual pinboard into a social media platform.

To stay ahead, make sure to keep up with the changes.

With Idea Pins, you can capture multiple videos, add images, lists, and custom text all in one Pin.

These Pins will remain on your boards after publishing.

Once you've posted an Idea Pin, it will appear on your profile's Created tab, along with all of your other Idea Pins.

Idea Pins are perfect for creating step-by-step guides, projects, or recipes, uploading multiple short videos with descriptive text or text overlay, customizing colors, and fonts, improving targeting with topic tagging, curating product collections, and storytelling in new and unique ways.

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Step number eleven: Decoding Pinterest Analytics

To understand the effectiveness of your Pinterest strategy and make data-driven decisions, it is crucial to monitor and analyze your Pinterest analytics regularly. 

Pinterest provides valuable insights into your audience demographics, Pin performance, and website traffic.

Reviewing these analytics allows you to identify trends, optimize your strategy, and better understand your audience's preferences.

Some key metrics to monitor include:

  • Impressions: The number of times users have seen your Pins.

  • Engagements: The total number of interactions (e.g., clicks, saves, and comments) on your Pins.

  • Click-through rate: The percentage of users who clicked on your Pins and visited your website.

  • Top-performing pins: Identify which drives the most engagement and replicate their success.

Regularly analyze your Pinterest analytics and refine your strategy, identify improvement areas, and maximize your artwork's impact.

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Step number twelve: Safeguard Your Masterpieces on Pinterest

Watermark and brand your images

In the digital age, protecting your artwork from unauthorized use is important. 

One effective method is to add watermarks to your images.

Watermarks are semi-transparent overlays that feature your logo, signature, or website URL.

This simple step can discourage image theft and help viewers identify the original source of your artwork.

Like many of you, I've had the unfortunate experience of having my artwork stolen, as well as people taking my Pin covers and using them without permission across the web.

I know it's a lot of work, but take the extra step of putting your signature on your artwork and including a link to your website on your pins to protect your intellectual property.

Some tips for watermarks:

  • Place the watermark strategically to avoid obstructing the artwork.

  • Choose a font and size that is legible but not overly distracting.

  • Use a semi-transparent watermark to maintain the visual integrity of your artwork.

Remember that adding a watermark to your content can discourage people from using it without your permission, but it may not be foolproof.

Remain watchful and take the necessary steps if you come across any instances of copyright violations.

Monitor and report copyright infringements.

Even if you have taken all the necessary precautions, there may still be instances of unauthorized use of your artwork.

Keep a close eye on your artwork's presence on Pinterest and act quickly if needed. 

Here are some steps to follow if you encounter copyright infringements:

  • Regularly search for your artwork on Pinterest using relevant keywords.

  • If you discover unauthorized use, document the violation by taking screenshots and noting the date and source.

  • Contact the infringing party and request the removal of your artwork.

  • If the infringing party does not comply, file a formal copyright infringement notice with Pinterest.

To uphold the authenticity of your brand and receive the appropriate recognition for your artistic work, you should remain proactive and attentive in safeguarding your artwork.

Don't let someone drink from YOUR cup.

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Step number thirteen: Spark Creativity and stay organized with Pinterest.

Create secret boards for personal inspiration.

Pinterest is a fantastic platform for showcasing your artwork and finding inspiration.

By creating secret boards, you can easily curate collections of images, references, and ideas that can spark your creativity.

These boards can serve as mood boards, helping you explore new artistic directions, experiment with various techniques, and stay motivated throughout your creative process.

To create a secret board, follow these steps:

  • Go to your Pinterest profile and click on "Boards."

  • Click on the "+ Create board" button.

  • Select "Create a secret board" and give it a descriptive title.

  • Start adding pins to your secret board, organizing them based on themes or projects.

Secret boards are visible only to you, allowing you to freely collect and explore ideas without sharing them with the public.

Use Pinterest as a digital sketchbook.

Pinterest can be used as a digital sketchbook to help organize and store visual references, sketches, and ideas in one convenient location.

You can easily access and revisit your creative process by creating separate boards for different projects or artistic themes.

Some tips:

  • Create boards for specific tasks, such as "Project A Sketches" or "Inspiration for Series B."

  • Pin images that inspire you, whether photographs, artworks, or color palettes.

  • Add your own sketches and digital mock-ups to the boards to track your progress.

  • Use the comment section of each Pin to jot down notes, ideas, and thoughts related to your project.

Collaborate with clients and collectors

On Pinterest, you can collaborate with clients and collectors by creating private or shared boards, which allows them to visualize and provide input into the creative process. 

Here are some ways to collaborate with clients and collectors on Pinterest:

  • Create private boards and invite clients to contribute their inspirations and preferences.

  • Share work-in-progress images or sketches privately with clients for feedback.

  • Collaborate on shared boards to curate collections of artworks tailored to specific client preferences.

  • Use the comment section to discuss ideas, adjustments, and further inspiration.

Involving your clients and collectors in your artistic process can create a sense of ownership and strengthen the connection between your artwork and its intended audience.

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The fourteenth and final step is “Pin It to Win It.”

Explore new features and updates.

Pinterest constantly evolves and introduces new features and updates to enhance your artistic journey.

To stay updated with the latest Pinterest trends, explore the platform regularly, read Pinterest's official blog, and follow influential figures within the Pinterest art community. 

Some recent features and updates to watch out for:

  • Idea Pins: Showcase your artistic process, tutorials, and behind-the-scenes content.

  • Pinterest Trends: Discover popular search terms and trending topics within your artistic niche.

Learn from successful artists on Pinterest.

On Pinterest, there are numerous successful artists who have become experts on the platform and gained significant recognition for their art.

You can gain valuable insights and learn from their success by examining their strategies, boards, and Pins.

Take the time to study them thoroughly.

Some tips:

  • Identify artists within your artistic niche who have a strong presence on Pinterest.

  • Analyze their boards, pin designs, and descriptions to understand their approach.

  • Note the keywords and hashtags they use to enhance their visibility.

  • Identify recurring themes or strategies they employ and adapt them to your style.

Studying successful artists on Pinterest can give you the inspiration, techniques, and marketing strategies you need to become a better art entrepreneur.

Adopt and adapt to the changing world of art marketing.

In this ever-evolving world of technology and digital platforms, art marketing is also changing.

It's important to embrace the possibilities and challenges of the digital age and be open to exploring new ways of showcasing and selling your artwork.

Some tips to stay ahead:

  • Experiment with emerging platforms and technologies.

    I don't like "AI artists" either, but AI could benefit your art business journey.

    For example, you can simply use it to write killer SEO-optimized descriptions for your Pins on Pinterest.

  • Engage with your audience through live streaming, virtual exhibitions, or online workshops. 

  • Collaborate with artists from different disciplines or industries to create innovative and interdisciplinary projects.

  • Stay informed about copyright laws, intellectual property rights, and digital art marketplaces.

Pin this article and start growing!

Pinterest can unlock endless possibilities for artists seeking to display their creations and transform their passion into a thriving business. 

This guide outlines the essential keys to maximizing Pinterest's potential in 2023.

Following these strategies, you can confidently navigate its vibrant landscape, connect with like-minded individuals, and showcase your unique artwork with finesse. 

Remember, consistency, creativity, and a genuine desire to share your artwork with the world are crucial for success on Pinterest.

Let this platform be your ultimate companion during your artistic journey, inspiring your audience to appreciate and invest in your one-of-a-kind creations.

So, pin with purpose and unleash your creativity on Pinterest!

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Come connect with me on social media and gain access to exclusive behind-the-scenes insights and funny bonuses that will brighten your day.

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Some additional resources that could be useful for your art business

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